你在找會計師嗎?稅務大小事,請找帕薩蒂納最夠力的會計師 Angel Zhen - 洛杉磯週報 - 亞洲版

Angel Zhen 是一名位在帕薩蒂納老城區的資深會計師,他提供的卓越的金融服務,專注於小企業會計和稅務策略,如果你有任何稅務相關問題,找他準沒錯!

Oldtown Pasadena 一直是小型企業和高收入專業人士的繁榮樞紐,而 Angel Zhen 也看好了這個地方的蓬勃機能與無限淺力,所以決定在這裏深耕,以其豐富的財務專業知識和招牌客製服務,使他成為當地企業家社群中不可或缺的資深會計師。

為何選 Angel Zhen?因為他是你最信任的金融夥伴

Angel Zhen 是一名在南加州洛杉磯經歷了十幾個報稅季的專業會計師(CPA),同時也是執業代理人(EA)和稅務碩士(MSTax),他專注於稅務、會計和財務規劃,提供全面的稅務理財知識。秉持著促進客戶成功的承諾,Angel Zhen希望激發企業家實現野心的熱情,提供專業且客製化的全方面服務。


深知小型企業的財務細節看似簡單,但卻非常具有挑戰性,Angel Zhen 特別喜歡在這些複雜性中展現他的專業知識。他深入了解稅法、法規和合規要求,並且能夠即時提供量身定制的綜合會計服務,以滿足各種階段小型企業的獨特需求。無論是從簿記、薪資支付,到稅務規劃和財務理財,Angel Zhen 都具備相當資深的經驗,讓小型企業的財務規劃既有秩序有得到專業的見解服務!


另一項 Angel Zhen 的專長,就是針對南加州房地產投資者的稅務解決方案。根據美國國稅局(IRS)的說法,許多人在投資房地產時,面對了相當獨特的稅務情境。但是這也正是 Angel Zhen 的強項,根據過往多年的客戶經驗,他會因應不同的情境,來應對這個複雜的稅務環境。無論你是房地產業主、開發商還是積極投資房地產,Angel Zhen 都能協助你達到最大化的扣除額,並達到最佳的稅務效益,同時,這也能減少您的稅務負擔。

支持 LLC 和 S Corp 的企業主

對於經營有限責任公司(LLCs)或 S 型公司(S Corps)的企業主,Angel Zhen 也能提供非常專業的稅務協助。無論是從企業初期的創建稅務協助,到制定公司長期的稅務策略,Angel Zhen 都能確保企業主獲得最大程度地稅務優惠,並優化財務運營策略。Angel Zhen 擁有的專業知識讓 LLC 和 S Corp 的企業主保護個人資產,最大化稅務優勢,並讓您專心、放心的專注於您的業務領域。

身為一名加州大學伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)和 Golden Gate 大學的傑出校友,他不斷擴展自己的知識基礎。透過SBA Thrive 等計劃,讓他始終能夠與不斷變化的金融環境同步。


Angel Zhen 客戶至上的服務裡面讓他的客戶們對他總是讚譽有佳,也讓他確立了他在帕薩迪納(Pasadena)和聖蓋博地區(San Gabriel)的領先地位。如果你在網上打上關鍵字 “帕薩迪納最佳 CPA” 或是 “聖蓋博 CPA” ,你一定會看到Angel Zhen 的搜索排名名列前茅!因為他的專業稅務知識與 24 小時不間斷的服務,讓他在 Yelp 等平台上屢屢獲得正面評價,也進一步奠定了他身為小型企業主最佳稅務夥伴的頭銜。

Angel Zhen 身為南加州地區首屈一指的 CPA ,不僅有專業知識還有良好的溝通能力,如果你有任何稅務問題,需要尋找專業能手或是優化你的財務規劃,可以直接連上官網,或是藉由 24 小時的真人客服與他做免費諮詢!

Angel Zhen 的理財小撇步


1.預估稅款 :如果你是自僱人士,預先評估稅款支付。







8.個性化專業建議:諮詢 Angel Zhen,你可以獲得量身定制的稅務建議和財務指導!

如果想體驗 Angel Zhen CPA 的卓越服務,請根據您方便的時間立即預約免費諮詢服務!

南加州專業會計師 Angel Zhen CPA

Email: [email protected]

你也可以透過 Angel Zhen CPA 的 LinkedIn 以了解更多專業的稅務資訊喔!

Venture into the dynamic Oldtown Pasadena, a vibrant hub for thriving small businesses and high-earning professionals. Here you will find Angel Zhen, an extraordinary CPA practitioner, noted for his financial expertise and customized service, establishing him as a prominent figure among the local entrepreneurial community. 

Discover Angel Zhen: Your Dependable Financial Ally

Angel Zhen, a distinguished CPA, Enrolled Agent (EA), and Master of Science in Taxation (MSTax), imparts comprehensive knowledge in taxation, accounting, and financial planning. He is driven by a commitment to facilitate client success and a passion for empowering entrepreneurs to achieve their ambitions. This dedication positions him as a trusted CPA and an essential ally in your business growth journey.

Expertise in Small Business Accounting

Managing the financial intricacies of a small business can be challenging. Angel Zhen’s expertise shines in these complexities. He has an in-depth understanding of tax laws, regulations, and compliance requirements, offering holistic accounting services tailored to meet the unique needs of small businesses. From bookkeeping and payroll to tax planning and preparation, Angel Zhen provides services to keep your finances organized and growth-oriented.

Customized Tax Solutions for Real Estate Investors

Investing in real estate presents unique tax scenarios. According to the IRS, real estate investors often face complex tax situations. Angel Zhen excels at creating customized tax strategies to navigate this complex tax landscape. Whether you’re a property owner, a real estate developer, or actively investing in property, Angel Zhen will assist you in maximizing deductions and structuring transactions for optimal tax efficiency. This leads to minimized tax liabilities and increased returns.

Support for LLC and S Corp Owners

For entrepreneurs operating Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) or S Corporations (S Corps), Angel Zhen offers essential guidance. From entity formation to ongoing compliance and tax strategy development, Angel Zhen ensures you maximize your tax benefits and streamline financial operations. Harness his expertise to perotect personal assets, optimize tax advantages, and concentrate on nurturing your business.

A distinguished alumnus of UC Berkeley and Golden Gate University, Angel Zhen constantly broadens his knowledge base. His continuous education through programs like the SBA Thrive program keeps him abreast of the ever-evolving financial landscape.

Recognition and Reputation

Angel Zhen’s client-focused approach has won wide acclaim, securing his position as a leading CPA in Pasadena and San Gabriel. A quick online search for “top CPA in Pasadena” or “best CPA in San Gabriel” consistently reveals Angel Zhen as a top contender. His stellar track record and positive reviews on platforms like Yelp further affirm his reputation as a trusted partner for small business owners.

Tax Tips

Unlock your tax potential this summer! Many of us are preparing to take our summer vacation. But before you pack your bags, take these quick, easy steps to ensure your finances are optimized and secure while you’re jetsetting. That way, you can make sure there are plenty more vacations in your future as well!

1. Make the Most of Your Money: Review and optimize estimated tax payments for self-employed individuals. 

2. Secure Your Future: Maximize contributions to retirement accounts like IRAs or 401(k) plans to build financial security.

3. Deduct with Confidence: Keep a record of deductible expenses such as business travel and charitable donations to maximize your tax benefits.

4. Invest in Education: Explore tax credits and deductions for education expenses, ensuring a brighter future for yourself or your loved ones.

5. Support for Working Parents: Take advantage of the Child and Dependent Care Credit to alleviate summer childcare costs.

6. Organized and Stress-Free: Stay organized by maintaining tax-related documents, making tax time a breeze.

7. Stay Ahead of the Game: Stay informed about the latest changes in tax laws to make informed decisions.

8. Personalized Expertise: Consult with Angel Zhen, CPA, for tailored advice and guidance on maximizing your tax savings.

Schedule a Consultation

Experience Angel Zhen CPA’s remarkable service by booking a consultation today. Use this convenient link to secure an appointment that best suits your schedule. 

Connect with him on LinkedIn for the latest tax tips and insights. 

If you prefer, you can reach Angel Zhen via text message at 424-454-7018 or directly call his office at 661-375-7235. Angel is committed to providing timely and responsive service to meet your needs.