About - 洛杉磯週報 - 亞洲版


《L.A. Weekly Asia》是美國洛杉磯主流媒體《L.A.Weekly》的中文品牌。2019 年創立至今,我們秉持著創新、多元的角度,希望帶給讀者們洛杉磯地區最引人入勝的一面!


《L.A. Weekly Asia》不僅僅是洛杉磯當地人以及外國遊客來訪的文化娛樂指南,我們擁有的主流媒體優勢,創意新穎的原創內容,與廣泛的使用者覆蓋範圍,更成為本地以及國際企業的行銷後盾。我們提供全方位的廣告業務和整合行銷,包括廣告投放、原創內容創作、客製化的品牌策略包裝,以及創新的行銷解決方案等,都成功地為我們的客戶增加曝光與銷售的機會。



  • 擁有 340k 的活躍用戶以及每個月超過 300k 的網站流量, 我們的互動式廣告版位能夠幫助企業主與商家增家品牌曝光的機會。
  • 我們的多元社交平台以符合現代流行的傳播方式,貼近當下年輕消費者的品味習慣。
  • 我們擅長於新穎的原創內容,並為不同的社群平台打造因應的曝光方案。
  • 我們擁有專業的影像團隊,能夠打造出優質的影音,無論是品牌宣傳影片還是媒體圖文,我們都能一手包辦,同時傳遞品牌的美學與核心價值。


  • 運用我們的媒體渠道與製作團隊,我們提供創新的廣告活動以及有影響力的業務解決方案。
  • 打破過時冗長的合作方式,我們能夠一站式量身打造行銷活動,包括新品推廣、試吃活動等。
  • 運用網紅行銷,我們能夠加強品牌活動的影響力,從中激發更多的潛在消費者。

我們的目標是運用《L.A. Weekly Asia》的品牌力量與社會影響力,透過文字與影像,持續傳達當地社區的聲音到世界的角落,並且成為您信賴的訊息來源。現在就加入《L.A. Weekly Asia》社群的一份子吧!


Email: [email protected]



《L.A. Weekly Asia》is the Chinese brand of the LA based media outlet 《L.A.Weekly》. Since its establishment in 2019, we have upheld innovative and diverse perspectives, aiming to present readers with the most captivating aspects of the Los Angeles area.

Our local reporters excel in delivering news with youthful energy, offering the hottest updates on a daily basis. We cover a wide range of topics, including news, cultural insights, arts and music events, food critiques, fashion trends, and entertaining stories. Additionally, we conduct in-depth interviews with celebrities. Through various social media platforms and online networks, we have successfully attracted a large number of loyal readers, generating significant views and traffic in a short of time.

《L.A. Weekly Asia》 is not just a cultural and entertainment guide for locals and foreign visitors. With our mainstream media advantage, creative original content, and extensive user coverage, we have become a marketing powerhouse for both local and international businesses. We offer comprehensive advertising services and integrated marketing, including ad placements, original content creation, customized brand strategy packaging, and innovative marketing solutions. These efforts have successfully increased exposure and sales opportunities for our clients.

Our goal is to utilize the brand strength and social influence of 《L.A. Weekly Asia》to continuously convey the voices of the local community through our words and images, and aim to become your trusted source of information. Join the《L.A. Weekly Asia》 community today!