極限登機居然可以爭取到更大機位?來告訴你最新旅遊趨勢 Check-in Chicken 是什麼? - 洛杉磯週報 - 亞洲版




最近,一個新的旅行趨勢 Check-in Chicken 興起,這個招數是透過「延遲登機報到」來讓自己增加免費升級的機會,甚至在長途飛機時還有可能額外獲得獨享一整排座位!?



Was this too last minute?! 😰 🛫 Send this to someone who loves to leave checking in a little too late… 🙈 🐔 WHAT IS CHECK IN CHICKEN? 🐔 Check in Chicken is when you leave your online check in for Wizz Air and Ryanair late in the hope that you get allocated a better seat. 💺 WHY DO YOU GET A BETTER SEAT IF YOU L EAVE CHECK IN LATE? 💺 Wizz Air and Ryanair both do three things: 1. They charge for seats 2. They actively split up people travelling together 3. They often place people in ‘bad seats’ – i.e. middle seats and those away from the exits All of this means that as time ticks on, often the seats that are left available are the ‘good seats’ – i.e. upfront and extra legroom 🤔 DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK? 🤔 Yep! I actually can’t remember the last time I didn’t get an extra legroom seat because of doing this!! ⚠️ BUT WHAT’S THE RISK? ⚠️ The small risk – as you have seen in this video – is that you leave check in too late and there’s no seats left. This is because airlines can overbook planes due to the chance that a small percentage of passengers won’t show up for the flight. Now, technically the airline shouldn’t automatically boot off those that were last to check in – they’re supposed to ask if anyone is willing to give up their seat first (they get another flight plus compensation so some may well go for it) but often they just stick it on those who have left check in chicken a little too late… 😭 HOW BIG IS THE RISK?! 😭 Wizz Air and Ryanair both have a fairly high average load factor – around 94% – and so planes are often close to full. However, it is true that some passengers don’t show up and there are still plenty of flights that aren’t completely full. Overall, they wouldn’t overbook if they were losing money on the situation – which they would be if it happened often since they’d need to rebook your flight, put you up in accommodation if needed and give you compensation. 💁‍♀️ MY TOP TIP 💁‍♀️ Don’t leave Check in Chicken until the last moment – you need to be checking the seating plan throughout the day and check in when only good seats are left! 📣 LET ME KNOW… Would you do this?! And has anyone ever been on an overbooked plane?! #wizzair #checkin #overbookedflight

♬ original sound – Cheap Holiday Expert

Check-in Chicken 的概念其實很簡單,就是與其早早辦理登機手續,不如等到報到快結束的時候再行動,藉此增加分配到剩餘好座位的機會。






  1. 密切關注座位圖:在航班登機前多次檢查座位圖,觀察哪些座位仍然空著。旅行專家建議使用航空公司 APP 或網站來實時更新座位狀況。
  2. 與登機門工作人員交流:在登機口詢問工作人員是否有較空的座位,有時候他們能根據實際乘客數量幫助調整。
  3. 最後登機策略:等待大部分乘客登機後再進入機艙,有時候家人團體、特殊需求乘客或升艙乘客會重新分配座位,此時可能會留下空排座位,便可舒適地坐下!

根據 Google 趨勢數據,Check-in Chicken 的搜尋量在過去一個月上升了 126%,許多 TikTok 用戶分享這個方法的成功經驗,其中一位旅遊達人表示,她經常透過這種方式獲得額外腿部空間的座位,還說「幾乎忘了上次沒有額外空間座位的情況」。

如果下次飛行有餘裕時,大家不妨試試這個 Check-in Chicken 小技巧,說不定能讓你的旅行更加舒適、也增添了幾分冒險樂趣!