西南航空竟為「肥胖旅客」奉上這「免費」福利?讓許多網友超級不爽! - 洛杉磯週報 - 亞洲版

根據美國國家健康局的統計,美國人口約有 9.2% 被列為肥胖(包括過度肥胖),BMI 40(含)以上的族群被定義成「過度肥胖」(Severely Obese),或是第三類肥胖。



德州起家的西南航空(Southwest Airlines)就有名為「Customer of size」的政策,這項政策即是提供「坐下體型超過扶手」的旅客們足夠的空間。



How to use @southwestair customer of size policy. Southwest is the only airline that allows you a second seat at no extra cost even if the flight is FULLY booked. You HAVE to use it at the departing gate when you start your journey. If you don’t use it going out you cant use it flying back. Go to the departing gate agent and kindly ask them to use the customer of size policy. I’ve done this a dozen times and never had an issue or been denied. They will print you a new ticket + a second ticket to put down on your free seat. You will also be allowed to pre board! Enter the aircraft, get your seatbelt extender, and grab your seat! I place the ticket in the seat next to me. I always take the window seat. If anyone tries to sit it in I kindly let them know I have two seats booked. To be honest I almost never get approached because no one wants to sit in the middle seat next to a fat person on a plane 🙃. I’ve heard from others sometimes southwest will just put customer of size in your account so anytime you approach the main ticket gate you’ll get both your tickets at once but this hasn’t happened to me yet. I think this has to do with how “visibly fat” you are. Public airplanes are public transportation and should be accessible and comfortable for us all. I applaud @southwestair for being the only airline with a fair and humane way of flying fat passengers with dignity. We shouldn’t have to pay for two seats. Seats should be larger for all people including tall and pregnant passengers. Since airlines got deregulated it’s been an ADA nightmare. Airlines should also allow wheelchairs in the cabin esp power wheelchairs. This is an access issue at the end of the day and discriminatory to fat and disabled customers. #southwest #southwestairlines #customerofsize #customerofsizepolicy #plussize #plussizetravel #traveltips #plussizetraveltok #traveltok

♬ original sound – Kimmy

一名 TikTok 上的旅遊行創作者 Jae’lynn Chaney,在自己的影片裡展示自己到登機口告知地勤人員的一連串操作,並在影片中提到自己已經這樣做非常久了,而且目前還沒有遇到任何問題。

Chaney 也近一步表示,覺得這項政策真的非常體貼過度肥胖的人,畢竟誰也不想因為體型的緣故造成附近旅客的麻煩。




一名媽媽在今天 6 月就曾發出一段影片,內容是講述自己帶著女兒以及女兒的朋友,在巴爾地摩轉機準備回家時,西南航空的工作人員就以「飛機客滿」為理由而將他們更改航班。

