副業賺翻直接辭掉正職!一名女子憑在 Amazon 「做這件事」四個月大賺 15000 美金! - 洛杉磯週報 - 亞洲版

大家應該都有聽說過「美國人均戶頭只有 200 塊現金」這個說法吧,這句話乍之下很浮誇,但其實來了之後發現真的很真實,很高的消費水準、各種要繳給政府的税、各種保險還得自己掏腰包買。


許多人會選擇做工作時間較自由的副業,來增加一點自己的收入,近日就有人在 TikTok 上分享,自己透過 Amazon 做副業做得太成功,四個月直接賺了正職的 4 倍!

>> 延伸閱讀:收帳單的速度根本趕不上薪水上漲?2024 年「這幾種」副業最賺錢,開源就是現在! <<

利用 Sam’s Club 跟 Amazon 賺了一桶金


I started selling 4months ago and never looked back! I was working in the medical field, had tons of bills and wasn’t able to spend much time with my kids. After seeing others like me reselling on Amazon I figured what’s the worst that could happen?? Little did I know I ended up quitting my fulltime job to pursue Amazon FBA full-time. Fast forward to today l’ve already generated over 15k in sales and counting. I have the flexibility to be present with my children, take them to school, pick them up, we never miss our kids games and then some! If you’re looking for a flexible schedule that you can control Amazon FBA is for you. Click the link in bio to learn more. #amazon #amazonseller #amazonfbmsellers #amazonfinds #amazonfbatips #flipfinders #sidehustle #familytime #reseller res|lercommunity

♬ original sound – DamiBTS – Onacero

在一隻爆紅的影片中,用戶 Dey 跟大家分享了她如何去 Sam’s Club 大量購買小零食,並且拿到 Amazon 上轉賣的過程。

可以看到影片中 Dey 的後座塞滿了情人節款的 Hostess DingDong 蛋糕以及 Welch’s 的水果軟糖,並且在描述欄寫上「我靠在亞馬遜上轉賣 Sam’s Club 買的食物來付我的帳單。」

這個影片一出,引來超多觀眾好奇並迫不及待的想知道她如何辦到,她隨後發表了另一隻影片,說明他是使用亞馬遜的 Fulfillment by Amazon(FBA)服務,這個服務讓第三方可以透過平台快速交易。

根據亞馬遜的官網,FBA 的交易過程全部會由亞馬遜進行配送等服務,因此對買賣雙方來說皆有一定保障。



Amazon FBA is easy! A lot of people make it confusing for no reason! You buy low and sell high. That’s it and that’s all. It’s no secret! The Hustle HQ Standing on Business Amazon guide includes everything that you need to start your Amazon FBA business How to sign up ! Materials & softwares needed How to get ungated Amazon Fees How to find good products Prep and ship to Amazon Tips/tricks Playbook for success It will hold your hand and walk you through every step. Invest in yourself so your life can change in 2024 ✨ LINK IN BIO. INSTANT DOWNLOAD! #amazonfba #amazonfinds #amazon #amazonslayer #amazonfba #amazonseller #amazonsellers #amazoncoach #flipfinders #hustlehq #humor #reseller #resellercommunity

♬ Money payment sound (payment sound) – new_field

Dey 表示,想要在平台上成功交易,必須鎖定一些大型品牌如 Nike、Adidas、露得清等等,並在一些折扣、出清店內尋寶,找到便宜的商品之後放到平台上加成賣出。

其實 FBA 的服務早在 2017 就開始提供,不過近期由於社群媒體的興起加上大家對副業的需求增高,又重新浮上檯面。

Dey 說自己原本的正職是業務銷售,一年只能賺 18000 的薪資,基本上無法負擔帳單以及花時間跟孩子們相處,但是靠著 FBA 她在四個月內賺了 15000 美金,直接讓她辭掉原本的工作。

底下留言紛紛向他請教如何開始在亞馬遜上做這件事,而 Dey 也大方在底下表示願意協助任何需要幫忙的人。這樣靠轉賣可以賺滿的副業,你心動了嗎?